La Bomba Cumbia Party mit Musicalle, La Vecindad, Pebre, DJ Eleo & DAGVII
Genre: Mixed Music, Latin, Cumbia, Bass
Beschreibung: Spring will come to town together with the SPRING EDITION of La Bomba Cumbia Party Berlin! We have a great mix of LATIN RHYTHMS for you by MUSICALLE, FLAMENCO-HIPHOP by La Vecindad, ELECTRO-TRIBAL-MUSIC by Pebre and CUMBIATRONIC, TROPICAL & BASS SOUNDS by Dj ELEO & DAGVII.TICKETS (8€): http://bit.ly/LaBombaBerlin
ENTRY: 10€ box office / 6,- from 0:30FREE MEXIKANER BY MexiLove – Berliner Tomatenschnaps
↓↓↓ INFOS ↓↓↓
…∞…MUSICALLE…∞…(Latin Music – Música Orgánica)MUSICALLE CHOLO ORCHESTER is an international ensemble that brings Latin American music, tradition and lifestyle closer together. The musical result is then a transcultural exchange of different nations, which unites with the Berlin culture and music scene.The cultural background of Berlin plays a major role in this, as the thematic text content of the problem of integration is written in German.https://musicalle.orghttps://spoti.fi/2QF6JTohttps://youtu.be/iI9iupnGujAhttps://facebook.com/musicalles
…∞…LA VECINDAD…∞…(Urban Flamenco)La Vecindad is an ensemble formed in early 2018 to create a symbiotic form between two expressive music traditions: flamenco and hip-hop. Despite the fact of these two styles being paramount to the music of La Vecindad, the eclectic musical paths of the members are undeniable. https://facebook.com/vecindadurbanflamencohttps://facebook.com/vecindadurbanflamenco/videos/185310275744456
…∞…PEBRE…∞…(Electro Tribal Music)We take the electronic music to another level of experience by blending it with the tribal sounds of the southern from South America and traditional sounds from Chile. We are exploring and rescuing forgotten sounds of different tribes, traditions and celebrations. We take those forgotten sounds and take them to the dance floor to bring them back to life giving them a rebirthing.Our Tribal Electro es the combination of the tropical bass, electro cumbia, electronic music with tribal sounds, religious chants, antaras flute or the great bands of festivals of the south of the world, between another southern sounds.Everyone is invited to be part of the Pebre Tribe and enjoy the Tribal Electro Music!https://soundcloud.com/pebrehttps://facebook.com/Pebreprojecthttps://facebook.com/labombacumbia/videos/1159586770845708
…∞…DJ ELEO…∞…(Cumbia, Latin Grooves & Tropical Bass)DJ/Producer, Recording and Mixing Engineer from South Peru who has been remixing global dance music since 2002 in various different genres and had founded in Cologne, Germany in collaboration with other musician from all over the world the first Latin Underground Party, experimenting a combination of new South American Sounds with the Global Club Scene in Germany. Now based in Berlin working with numerous bands from all over the world at the SAE Studios, also playing at the most representative party`s for Latin Music. For over 10 years ELEO mixes and live DJ sets at clubs in South America and Europe. https://facebook.com/GlobalMusicPromoterhttps://soundcloud.com/globalflowmusic/leobeatz-anakonda-prommixatpe
…∞…DAGVII…∞…(MirMix – Global Music Club, La Bomba Cumbia Party Berlin)Half Russian and half German and as boundless as his music, he has traversed the musical landscape since he was a child. His crossover of traditional sounds and modern beats tears down any cultural walls. It is accompaniment, atmosphere, inspiration and comfort all in one – energetic and uplifting to the last drop. At La Bomba he plays digital cumbia mixed with global bass and surprised latin music.https://facebook.com/djdagviihttps://residentadvisor.net/dj/dagviihttps://mixcloud.com/dagvii
…∞…GRAPHIC…∞…All our graphic design was made by the lovely Nadezhda Zvonarevahttps://facebook.com/nadezhda.zvonarevahttps://behance.net/nadezhdaukhanova
…∞…ENTRY…∞…8,- pre sales / 10,- box office / 6,- from 0:30Print@Home: http://bit.ly/LaBombaBerlin